A Container of Memories

American Walnut, Blackapple, Huon Pine, brass, bearing system

1395h x 578w x 295d mm

This cabinet was made in response to a design brief composed by Rodney Hayward for the 2010 exhibition, A Container of Memories. It was designed to house objects of personal significance, as these objects so often end up buried and separate from our daily lives. This cabinet brings them to the fore – but not publicly – they remain personal. There is an element of exploration/interaction in the cabinet’s use which emphasises this sense of protection.

When an object is crafted, it is ascribed with the sensibilities and experience of the maker. In this sense, the cabinet has two lives: it is both a portrait of its creator, and through the objects it will house, a portrait of the user. The fundamental difference is that the former describes a moment in the maker’s life, while the latter evolves and becomes more biographical.

Photo credit Stuart Hay